Cake Teen!


I wanted to share something with you today. My kid never ceases to impress and amaze me. As you may know, she loves making cakes. She hasn't had a single class in cake decorating, but from watching Cake Boss and other cake decorating shows she has figured out how to make some really cool looking cakes. I can take not even a shred of credit, this is all her. She spent the entire day yesterday working on this cake for a contest on a local radio station Star 102.1. Her dad drove her down there this morning to enter. The Cake Boss is coming to Knoxville and she really, really wants to meet him.

Some of you might remember that we drove to Hoboken once to go to Carlo's Bakery, here is a pic from that trip, but Buddy was in PA doing a speaking tour. Avalon made him a 3d card we handed to Mary, but she never heard from him. I am sure he gets a lot of presents. So flash forward to today, she was the only kid to enter this contest and I was really hoping she'd win, but alas she did not. I think Buddy would be blown away. She held her own against professional bakers. YAY AVALON!

You know, we have to try. We have to keep trying. If we keep focused on our goals and we keep working hard, we get there. It may not have worked out today, but Avalon will meet Buddy one of these days and when she does, I think he will be duly impressed. She's a smart, kind, funny, talented and amazing kid and I am blessed to be her mother.


Rock on, Avalon.



Sarah Sequins said...

Avalon is amazing! I wish I'd had someone that cool to hang out with when I was her age, and it's not just because of cake. I hope she gets to meet her cake idol soon. :)

I really like what you said about keeping focused on our goals and working hard, Margot. When we're just starting out, it can be a struggle to get noticed, and it's hard not to feel invisible at times -- but if we keep working at it, and if we have support from people who love us, we can't go wrong.

Therese's Treasures said...

Margot, your daughter Avalon is a very talented girl that will go far with her talents. She has you a wonderful and talented mother to guide her along the way.

Mari said...

Awesome cake!