Halloween Repost: Drop Dead Gorgeous Necklace

Drop Dead Gorgeous Copyright 2009 Margot Potter

Dang. Halloween got away from me this year. I have been feeling so lousy, that although I said to myself, "Self, let's re-post some great Halloween projects on the old bloggy." I did not post them.

Until today.

For the next eight days I will post a link to one of my favorite The Impatient Crafter(tm) Halloween projects...except for Wednesday when I will post a new project by Avalon for ILovetoCreate.

It has been thusly decreed. 'Oh frabjous day...calloo, callay!'

Today's link is to a short story and project with a Vampire theme...

Hauntingly yours,

1 comment:

TesoriTrovati said...

I totally remember this one. I love the use of the scrapbook items and the way you made it look like blood. Enjoy the day, Miss Madge! Looking forward to your hauntingly good posts!