
DIY Teen Craft Project Link from Avalon from her Couch Bound Mom

Alas our plucky heroine has fallen ill mere days before CHA.  Crap a doodle...doo.  I have asthma, so getting a cold or bronchitis for me is really serious.  I've been trying to rest, thankfully I got most of my CHA prep done this past weekend.  Still, I hate the idea of hacking up a lung on poor unsuspecting folks who wish to make and take with me!  Just call me Typhoid Madge-y!  And no, I won't be contagious and yes, it's just plain annoying.  Hooray.

Yes, Virginia, that was sarcasm.

I have two more fun filled projects to share.  Here's one from Avalon for iLoveToCreate, it's a DIY Zig Zag Chevron Canvas!  I love the colors and the simplicity of this design.  She's got a great eye, that kid of mine!  Not to mention, she's a straight A student equally gifted at math, science, english and social science.  She got a perfect score on her standardized math tests recently.  What?!

Can you say proud mama?

I'm off to more time on the couch to rest, but I'll be back!  Galdangy.



  1. Feel better quick, Miss Madge! The CHA needs you! That kid IS talented. The apple doesn't fall far from your glittered tree. Enjoy the day. Erin

  2. feel better- seems like everyone is super sicky these days!

  3. I am glad that your little crafty apple blossom is so much like her Mom, crafty & smart! I also sympathize with you, I also have asthma, mine is allergy related asthma. The littlest thing can trigger an attack & i am sitting around on the couch right next to you! Blek! I will keep you in my prayers & know that you will be better for CHA. Take care & breathe well!

  4. I am endlessly proud of my kid, she's awesome!

    Mine is allergy related too, something is driving me nuts today on top of being sick, I feel like my lungs are getting kicked with a steel toed boot. Snerg.



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