
DIY Collar Necklace Guest Posting for iLoveToCreate

Margot Potter for iLoveToCreate DIY Collar Necklace

Hello, love muffins!  I have been crafting like a mad woman this past week and somehow defying all logic, I managed to eek out this one last project yesterday afternoon.  Yes, I spent my entire weekend making class kits and DIY projects for my clients.  Can you say tired crafty lady?

I was shocked beyond belief pleasantly surprised that I managed to make this without a major (or even a minor) craft fail, considering my level of exhaustion and propensity for stress related craftastrophes.  Hooray!

Do I loves it?  Yes, I do!  I loves it so much, I'm wearing it to CHA with my emerald green strapless cotton dress and black 3/4 length sleeve sweater.  So there.

I had a feeling about emerald green last year.  Did you hear it's the Color of the Year?  What a bonus for redheads and leprechauns! 

If you'd like to know how to make your own DIY collar necklace, all you have to do is mosey on over to the iLoveToCreate blog where I'm guest posting today and get the full tutorial.  Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy. 

I have some other DIY tricks up my sleeve this week (new tutorials and inspiration) before I leave the frozen east coast and head to sunny SoCal, so don't you be a stranger. 


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