Sailing, Sailing Decoupage Canvas

Sailing, Sailing Op Art Decoupage Canvas
Avalon Potter for iLoveToCreate Teen Crafts

Avalon made this simply chic op art style canvas using old book pages and cardstock on an inexpensive craft store canvas.  This is so easy to make and the variations on this theme are infinite.  Fiskars has some great shape cutters that make quick work of cutting squares that are easily halved into triangles.  Piece them together and adhere to your canvas with Aleene's decoupage medium in matte finish and you have a fabulous one of a kind work of art.  Best of all, you're the artist!

Various colors of cardstock
Old book pages
Collage Pauge matte finish instant decoupage medium

Shape cutter square template
Shape cutter

Use shape template and cutter to cut 3" squares out of cardstock and old book pages. (You may need to mark and cut with scissors if your book pages are brittle.) 

Mark half point on squares with pencil and cut with scissors into triangles.

Arrange triangles on canvas. Spread a layer of decoupage under each triangle and cover canvas. There will be overlap, go back after canvas is dry to cut this off. Cover entire canvas with decoupage medium, allow to dry. Do not worry about bubbles, they should go away when canvas has dried. You can use a wet finger to smooth them or a brayer. You can start in the center and work up and down canvas for a symmetrical effect.

(Disclosure: Blogger was provided some products and compensated for project, all opinions are 100% her own.)

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