The 12 Retrofabulous Crafts of Christmas: The Audacity of Audacity

Earrings Copyright Margot Potter 2011 

Some of you will note that something is awry with the text in this photo...hmm...

The 12 Retrofabulous days of Christmas are marching on...and Madge is getting just a little silly.  I mean, how many retrofabulous ideas can one woman be expected to whip out?! 

I was asked to create three coordinating jewelry pieces for a runway event. There is nothing I love more than making ginormous Haute Couture creations! It's a matter of scale and proportion. Yes, that's it, scale and proportion. They're a skootch heavy and intentionally organic, but I love the bold simplicity of them. The set has a Calderesque appeal, if you've not seen Alexander Calder's wire jewelry, you simply have to check it out, stunning stuff that. His work was a huge source of inspiration in my new book New Dimensions in Bead and Wire Jewelry! I'm not sharing the set just is a teensy weensy sneak peek. 

Sneak peek Twisted Crystal set...Copyright 2011 Margot Potter ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

If you'd like to learn how to make similar earrings, I just happen to have New Dimensions in Bead and Wire Jewelry available for purchase for $17.00 on my Books Page AND if you order it from me, it comes SIGNED with a little piece of ephemera from my collection. Shipping is included, BTW (US only, sorry.) How cool is that? IKR? (That was for Avalon who thinks her mother painfully uncool.)

If you'd like a chance to WIN a FREE SIGNED copy of the book with a free piece of ephemera...just leave a comment here. Tell me something AUDACIOUS about you! Be bold! Be not afraid! Toot that horn 'cause ain't nobody gonna toot it like you, Louis Armstrong.  I will pick a winner on New Year's DAY next Sunday!  Make sure you leave an email contact with your comment so I can let you know if you win!

I was feeling a little frustrated and discouraged yesterday. I was also feeling a little melancholy, grumpy and bitchy, for good measure. I was even feeling a little freaked out and panicked.  But in my defense, it's been a crazy ass roller coaster ride for the past few months. Sometimes a little audacity and cheeky good fun is just what the doctor ordered.

In fact, I'm going to be talking about audacity today at one of my other sites, Craft. You. Have you checked it out? Why not get on board for the new year? It's all about making your goals, plans, hopes and dreams into reality, it's all about lifecrafting. I am going to launch classes soon...I'm just sayin'...



Morgan said...

I live in Knoxville and I have the audacity to think I might one day run into you somewhere and and tell you how awesome it is you live in my area and how inspiring you've been. Since I had dinner with Jennifer Perkins when she was in town filming for HGTV I don't think it's too terribly bold.

Camp Studio said...

Morgan, I actually ran into Margot in Denver, by accident, in a waiting room. There I was, sitting by Miss Creativity herself, and hardly even knew it! Also, I am from Bristol, and am thrilled that she has chosen beautiful Tennessee for her home. I really miss it!

Anonymous said...

I live in Ohio and the recession caused me to really get back into my crafting and unique jewelry making, you inspire me to go out on a limb and be very creative, I thrive on having one of a kind jewelry that is not like any one else out there. Thank-you KEEP ON CREATING & SHARING!!!

TeriB said...

Cannot wait to see the entire necklace that goes with the earrings! So many people think they can't wear big pieces of jewelry--little do they know it's all a matter of being bold and "audacious" themselves! I want people to see what I'm wearing!


Unknown said...

woo, possibility of winning the book makes me eager to post...yes, throw my name in the hat! thank you! <3 (ive only got one of your books atm, and this book intrigues me very much!) merry christmas! happy new year! (, thats me) oh, and audacious and bold? im a fantastic person! when youve got me for a friend youve got somebody on your side thats loyal and willing to fight for your honor if neccessary-- im a true friend. ive had enough backstabbin', fair weather friends in my life to know thats NOT how you treat people, and i refuse to! i will treat people exactly as i wish to be treated, with kindness and respect.

TesoriTrovati said...

I have the audacity to think that I should be writing books. All the time. And teaching (but not English as was my first career). But I also know from reading Miss Madge's awesomely detailed posts about what it takes to actually be as craftabulous as her and publish so many great resources. Still, if I had more time to devote to it (instead of staring at someone else's computer screen) I KNOW that I could succeed. I also believe that I have the capacity to inspire dozens of people at a time ;-) I am just not sure at what yet.

Enjoy the day! Merry Christmas to Miss Madge and the whole Potter crew!

Unknown said...

I have the audacity to make children smile when I teach origami! ;)

can't wait to see the rest of the necklace and your new book!

michelle said...

I think I am ready to cut my job down from full time to part time, to accelerate my crafty commisions. I am scared, I go!

lavendarrose29 said...

I have the audacity to own day be published and have the priviledge to be on a design team. 2012 is my year. I love seeing your projects and your writing is fabulous.

Unknown said...

I'm about to have the audacity to just walk away and leave the corporate job behind and head out on my own and be a craft queen. Creativity is spilling out all over my world and I love it.2012 is my year and I can't wait for it to get here.
Merry Christmas Margot, Drew and Avalon.

Anonymous said...

I am a librarian! How audacious is that?! I am a book pusher! I hope everyone has a great holiday this year! Thanks for the giveaway!

Cindy said...

My first passion is gourd art! But there are many different mediums that I love to work in. Your book has got to be a super blessing to me. I'll get to learn something in a new direction!

Hugs XX

M-ixes Jewelry said...

Thanx for that GiveAway Madge, your Earrings are Eyecatchers! =D)
Audacious: whenever I'm Inspired, I Create Awesomeness. You Inspire me. ♥ Thank you. =) Mx

Jen Judd said...

Audacity is such an excellent word. I'm audacious enough go believe that I can make a difference! I will not succumb to the numbness and dumbness of the federal current "boss." It's going to be a wonderful and powerful new year!

Terry Ricioli Designs said...

Thanks for the link to Calder's jewelry. What an inspiration! I am audacious enough to think I might one day create jewelry like that!
Merry Christmas!

Mary A - said...

I just saw you're from Tennessee! I am too, although I don't live there now, but hope to move back soon. I have the audacity to think I can make a difference in the world, maybe from my creativity, despite having to quit working due to disability. I'm audacious enough to think that constant pain will NOT stop me, and someday I will feel better.