12 Crafts of Christmas: Retrofabulous Pop Art Andy Warhol Ornapendants!

Andy Warhol Ornapendants

A Gleefully Ebullient Andy Warhol Photographed by William John Kennedy

Has your ho lost it's ho ho,

From the holiday slog?

Is your mistletoe lonely?

Is your egg lacking nog?

Has the tinsel gone crinkly?

Did you burn the yule log?

Well here's a little something festive to cheer you up! Deck the halls? Sure. But what about you, Jingle Bells? What about you and your halls getting a little Pop Art makeover?

Nothing says Ho Ho Ho like an Andy Warhol Ornapendant™!

If you'd like the 411 on how to turn your garment and accessory tags from trash into treasures, just click here and you will magically be transported back in time to the original post.

Cool, huh?

Oh and CHECK OUT our fab new Zazzle shop where you too can be the BQOTU™ (Bead Queen of the Universe) and you can get your Super Girlie Good Power™ in spades!  Now that should cheer you up!  Yay!


1 comment:

erin said...

Andy's looking effusive there. ;-) Love it!