Releasing Attachment and Day Seven on CRESCENDOh!

Image Marc Chagall "Birthday" from Dover Books

I packed my daughter's room yesterday, with her assistance. I was relentless. We cleared out four big garbage bags of clothing she doesn't wear and a big Ford pick-up truck's worth of books, games and toys she no longer wanted. It was hours and hours of picking up things and saying, "Do you need this? Trash, Goodwill or keep?"

I was impressed with her new found ability to release her stuff. We've been trying for years to get her to give away some of her old toys and stuffed animals and suddenly it required no thought at all. Maybe it was those episodes of Extreme Hoarders we watched on the road this summer.

I like acquiring stuff, but I'm always aware of the great cosmic truth that we don't really own anything, we're just caretakers. I also like getting rid of stuff I don't need, it makes me feel lighter.

Lighter is always good.

It's my final day on CRESCENDOh and my artists today are two really phenomenally talented people whom I happen to adore. Corrine of Jafabrit, a mixed media artist who never stops amazing me with her endless creativity and Ben Sander a.k.a. Brini Maxwell the mid century modern maven with the impeccable sense of style and cheeky sense of fun. Please visit the CRESCENDOh site and follow the links to visit them both. I'm quite sure you'll be so glad that you did.

I must away to clean, clean, clean. We've already got someone interested in seeing the house! We put sheers in all of the 6 foot windows and finished painting the upstairs rooms. Everything upstairs is in variegated shades of blue, it's all a subtle shift in tone from room to room. It's so dreamlike. It's really been interesting seeing this house finally become what I'd envisioned when we moved in six years ago, and admittedly a little sad to have it look so lovely and know I'll never see it again.

Sigh. More of that releasing attachment stuff I'm afraid.

Enjoy your Sunday! Until next time...craft on with your bad self.


Day Five on CRESCENDOh and Freaky Friday!

Halloween Hootenanny Card Copyright 2009 Margot Potter for ILoveToCreate

Well it's Friday again and I have no clue how the hell that happened when I wasn't looking. Sheesh, way to sneak up on a girl.

It's day five of my guest curator stint on CRESCENDOh and my featured artists today are both uber creative, smart and funny women! Jean Yates and Alexa Westerfield will both craft your socks off, seriously. Just follow this link and visit them both, you'll be mighty glad that you did.

Alas my studio is mostly packed and I'm finding it hard to craft with what's left, so I will share another oldie but goodie from my Halloween coffers for this Freaky Friday! This is a really cute card I created with old book pages, scrapbook paper and card stock. Follow this link for instructions! You can take this in so many directions and make cats, day of the dead skulls, crows...whatever spooks your fancy.

Until tomorrow...craft on with your bad selves!


CRESCENDOh Day Four and Madge's Thursday Musings...

Featured on

Yup, it's day four on CRESCENDOh and my featured artists today are the craftylicious Cathie Filian and Kathy Peterson's inspiring Craft for Health blog. Please follow the link to visit these wonderful artists!

Madge muses...

The funny thing about life is that things are often not what they seem. We build up these grand expectations about them and then we realize that the shiny toy is maybe not so shiny at all. Expectation is a slippery slope. It can make us ignore our intuition and get caught up in our personal mythology. People can't actually know what we want from them if we don't speak it out loud. Things can't always unfold the way we'd like them to because we aren't the only ones in charge of reality.

I hear people often say that they have no regrets. I think that's pretty impressive, really. I surely have regrets. I think a life worth living almost always results in at least a few regrets. Living out loud means making choices that might not always end up the way we'd like them to. I think we all sometimes say something we didn't mean or forget to say something we did or opt for that shiny thing even when something in our gut tells us it might not be wise.

It's part of the deal. We will, if we march boldly ahead, make a few unfortunate turns and we will, if we live passionately, make a mistake or two. Yes, it's a dichotomy. There are no mistakes, but there are choices and consequences and some of the consequences are rather unpleasant. So perhaps we might call them mistakes, for lack of a better word? Those mistakes or consequences are opportunities and we can grow from them, learn from them and most importantly use them as a way to fine tune the practice of unconditional love. Practicing love for ourselves and love for those we encounter, especially those whom we don't much like.

We just keep making our way here through the wilderness and if we use our heart as our compass and our intellect to tender some of the intensity of the heart, we will at the very least end up having a most interesting journey.

I'm feeling introspective today. It is fall and this is what happens to me as winter starts lurking around the edges of my reality. I'm making huge changes and they're not going to make everyone happy. I'm probably going to step on a few toes without meaning to and I'm not quite sure how to prevent that. My entire reality and the entire fabric of my family's reality is shifting, and it is a huge thing. I have to hold on to the power of serendipity and the knowledge that no matter what choices I make, no matter where we end up, as long as I maintain the compassionate heart, all will be fine.

"My religion is kindness." The 14th Dalai Lama

"There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands. We seek problems because we need their gifts." Richard Bach Illusions

“There are no mistakes. The events we bring upon ourselves, no matter how unpleasant, are necessary in order to learn what we need to learn; whatever steps we take, they're necessary to reach the places we've chosen to go.” Richard Bach The Bridge Across Forever



The Inspiring and Amazing Jenny Doh

I was incredibly honored when creativity guru Jenny Doh contacted me about being a guest curator at her wonderful CRESCENDOh website. Jenny invites people to share the power of the creative and to shine a light on artists who inspire and excite them. I've started this week with links to two of my favorite creative people: Kate McKinnon and Andrew Thornton.

Please visit CRESCENDOh this morning and follow the links to their blogs. You'll be mighty glad you did.


Rice Freeman-Zachary reviews Bead Chic!

I know, this is supposed to be Freaky Friday...but I'm terrible at following rules, even rules I make up. That's why I wrote my new book Bead Chic. I like to color outside of the lines and I want to help others give themselves permission to do the same. Multi-talented and incredibly charming Rice Freeman-Zachery just posted a terrific video review of the book on YouTube and I wanted to share it with you. She gets it...and I think you'll get it once you get the book and start exploring new approaches to design!

ILoveToCreate Teen Crafts: Hallowe'en Masquerade Ball Mask

I was really impressed when Avalon showed me the mask she created and the outfit she styled to go with it! Tres chic, n'est pas? I must admit, seeing my little girl look so sophisticated and grown up was a little tough to take, but I'm so very proud of her creativity. Here's this week's fabulous teen craft created by the lovely and talented Avalon Potter!

Hallowe'en Masquerade Ball Mask
Copyright Avalon Potter
ILovetoCreate Teen Crafts
"Teen crafted, mom approved."

Since I created an invitation to a Halloween masquerade ball last week, I decided that this week I would make a mask for the ball. Every girl needs a sparkly mask to complete her fabulous ensemble. This is a great project because you really make it your own, for example you can switch up the pattern or size of the crystals or you could even change the color pallet of the mask. I had a lot of fun making this and I hope you will too.

• A plain mask of any color (preferably fabric)
• A fabric flower of any color
• Tulip Glam-it-up™ crystals
• Tulip Glam-it-up™ cordless heat setting tool
• Aleene’s Liquid Fusion glue

Step 1. Once you have gathered all of your materials get your mask, hot fix crystals, and applicator. Plan out where you want your crystals to go so you know where to apply them ahead of time.

Step 2. Apply crystals using your applicator. Designer Note: If your mask is plastic or made of plastic do not use the applicator it will melt the mask. Use Liquid Fusion glue to apply the crystals instead.

Step 3. Once you have finished applying your crystals, decide where you will want your fabric flower to go. I put mine in the upper corner of the mask.

Step 4. Use Liquid Fusion to glue the flower to the mask.

Step 5. Allow glue to dry. Once you finish you’ll have a beautiful mask to complete your costume.