TastyLinks Saturday!

Operation Deck the Halls has begun! I've been placing samplings of my collection of vintage mercury glass ornaments in a variety of repurposed clear jars and adding a plethora of fresh holly and pine accents and a variety of old and new decorations. So far, so good. When it's all finished I will share some pics...if I can get some good ones!

We're hoping to get the tree trimmed this weekend, but poor Dad Guy has fallen ill so I'm not sure how much we're going to accomplish without him. I sure hope he feels better soon...

In this week's video sampling from When Creativity Knocks host Ana Araujo shares some super cute retro 60s inspired greeting card ideas!

Here's what the Crafty Bloggers have dished up for your entertainment, inspiration and edification:

The Artful Crafter Whatever the holiday, make cute pop-up place cards to organize the dinner table and delight guests of all ages.

Stefanie Girard's Sweater Surgery See a necklace and bracelet made from the same Blue Moon Beads pendant with a how-to video with me.

Mixed Media Artist Mixed media artist Nicolette Anderson shares her lovely work!

Farm Girl Roots, City Girl Style Don't fence her in! Linda shares the story of her Fences and Ferns Quilt and how creativity can prosper even in dark times.

Cross Stitch at About.com The 2009 Holiday Ornament Collection is ready! Whip up some super quick back stitch ornies or cross stitch some more colorful ones.

Crafty Princess Diaries Tammy is making her first crocheted hat for herself. Now, hopefully it will be done by the time it gets cold down South!

Craftside-A behind-the-scenes peek at a crafty world Craftside's got yummy pumpkin cookie and biscuit recipes, an inside peek into Bead Quilled Jewelry, eco friendly recipes for casein glue and an all-purpose cleaner, and starting Monday- The 19 Days of Holiday Goodness Giveaways starts, answer each day's question and you are entered to win a free book every day!

Aileen's Musings Aileen invites you to join a creative challenge with her called the Erosion Bundle Project. Take a peek at her pictures and find out exactly what erosion bundles are!

About Family Crafts Does your family have any creative Thanksgiving traditions. You can read about other people's Thanksgiving traditions and then share your own.

The Impatient Crafter Madge is ready for Christmas so bring it on! Check out this retrolicious frame she designed for iLoveToCreate

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