

Meet Margot Potter

Hello.  Welcome to my little corner of the universe a.k.a. The Happy Bubble.  I'm Margot Potter also known as Madge and sometimes known as The Impatient Crafter™...prone to craftastrophes, chronically impatient, unabashedly impetuous, shamelessly imperfect, deeply irreverent, two notches too loud, five notches too sparkly and afflicted with what is best called RPMS (rampant potty mouth syndrome.)  If you are seeking perfect crafts painstakingly executed with magazine worthy photography and graphics...well...there is a sea of that out there these days. 

We try to take it all a little less seriously around here.  That's not to say we don't dish it up all pretty and wrapped in a bow, because we do our best, but we surely don't pretend it's perfect.  Because it's not.

Not by a long shot, people.

There have been dark days and blue skies and all of the variations in between.  It is life, after all and it is ever shifting and changing.  The best we can do is to keep shifting and changing with it.

There's a lot here to explore and if you like exploring, might I suggest a jaunty pith helmet and a cup of your personal poison.  Sit a spell, kick off your shoes and enjoy.
