Share the Love: Valentine's DIY Inspiration

Greetings and Salutations, Sweet Cheeks! Yup, Miss Madge's Share the Love Initiative is chugging along. I've got your Valentine's DIY Inspiration covered!

First, a super sweet vintage Art Deco era Valentine.  Aw, puppy love, how sweet is this?  I used the original card to make a Pupcycled Valentine for iLoveToCreate!  Feel free to follow the link and get the instructions after you download the image. 

Free Victorian Calling Card and Valentine's Jewelry for Mom

Halloo!  Today's Madge's Share the Love Initiative offering is three fold.  Three is a magic number, after all.  Firstly, a lovely free Victorian Calling Card for you to download.  Victorian era women and men of a certain status would leave them with friends when calling (visiting) often in a small receiving tray or with a servant if the home owner was away.  The cards and the manner in which they were folded or embellished had a variety of meanings.  Here is a great site with detailed information about these fascinating cards.  I have a small collection of these cards in my coffers, this is one of my favorites.  I also sell a digital collage sheet of calling cards on the website for download (which means you buy the file and can use the image again and again in your work.)

Tophatter Haul Video

I was asked by the fine folks at the online auction site Tophatter to visit the site, bid on some items and share my haul in a video.  Uh, you want me to shop?  You had me at haul!  If you've not checked this site out, it's a lot of fun. Not only can you bid on all sorts of fabulous items in a live virtual auction, but you can sell your items there too! 

It's fun filled, fast paced and frenetic.  You can find everything from craft supplies to handmade goods to jewelry to watches to electronics...even food! 

Go check out Tophatter and tell them Madge sent you! 

(Disclosure: This blogger was compensated for this video.  A gal has to butter her bread!)

DIY Cupcake Wrapper Flower Valentine's Wreath

What's this?  A lovely DIY Valentine's Wreath for iLovetoCreate?  Why yes, it is!  Isn't it romantic?
Monday was Operation Take Down Christmas at Casa de Potter.  Le sigh. Worst day of the year, if you ask me.  Which you didn't, but that never stopped me from sharing my opinion.   I was feeling the winter blahs and then I stumbled on a Styrofoam wreath in my crafty coffers and I simply had to make a Valentine's wreath.  The making of this wreath was epic, in a Dino DeLaurentis or Ziegfield Follies fashion.  I wanted romance, I wanted pretty, I wanted it all without the slightest whiff of ticky tacky.

How to Make Cupcake Wrapper Flowers Guest Posting!

I'm guest posting for iLoveToCreate today with some cheap and easy Valentine's Cupcake Wrapper Flowers you can whip up in a flash to make a whimsical bouquet for your sweetheart.  Who loves ya baby?  Well, I do.  Duh.

The Anatomy of a Necklace: DIY Necklace Tutorial

A few beads, some wire, some organza ribbon, a vibrant color palette...and you have a simply fabulous necklace in a flash.  The anatomy of a necklace a DIY necklace tutorial brought to you by Madge. I call this Folk Art Chic(tm), it's the style of our home and a style I'm finding more and more appealing these days. 

DIY Collar Necklace Guest Posting for iLoveToCreate

Margot Potter for iLoveToCreate DIY Collar Necklace

Hello, love muffins!  I have been crafting like a mad woman this past week and somehow defying all logic, I managed to eek out this one last project yesterday afternoon.  Yes, I spent my entire weekend making class kits and DIY projects for my clients.  Can you say tired crafty lady?

Some New Advice for a New Year

Today I spent hours and hours...and hours...and a few more hours looking for something rather important.  Just when I definitively decided to let it go and stop looking...I randomly opened a drawer and found it.  Mind you, I had already opened this drawer, at least once if not twice.  It was there all along.  I just wasn't seeing it.

And that leads me to this...some new advice for a new year.

Each day gives us an opportunity to start over, each hour, each minute...each moment, really.  But having regular markers of time passing we can point to with some level of gravitas helps, I think, to allow us to reflect, refocus and perhaps see what we might have been missing.