
Snow Globe Necklace for iLoveToCreate

I'm guest posting on the iLoveToCreate blog today with a miniature DIY Snow Globe Necklace!  I love these little glass vials, I've made jewelry with these before, but I think this one is my favorite.  What's more fun than wearing a snow globe?

I'll tell you what...nothing!

Get the instructions to make your own DIY Snow Globe Necklace on the iLoveToCreate blog and tell 'em Madge sent ya.



  1. That is an awesome idea! I have a whole bunch of these from years ago and never used them. I will have to dig them out. They would make great ornaments for the tree as well! Enjoy the day. Erin

  2. Cute as can be, Margot! I love miniature things!

  3. Thank you, gals! I think you could do all sorts of fun things with this idea, I'm dreaming up a snowman or a teeny tiny putz house!


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