
Yarn Wrapped Easter Egg DIY

I've been buried in work on the new site, so forgive me for not being around as much!  I'm guest posting over at iLoveToCreate today with a yarn wrapped Easter egg DIY that is literally three simple steps.  Yes, folks, for a few pennies and in three easy steps, you can whip up some festive Easter decorations!  Huzzah!

My new bangs are the big news on Facebook this week!  Okay, not really.  Yet, they sure created a flurry of comments!  I used to always wear bangs, then after getting Botox my forehead was as smooth as a baby's...forehead.  So I grew them out.  Alas, the Botox funds have withered and my forehead is no longer smooth as a baby's...anything.  Yesterday I decided to cover the offending forty something forehead with some kicky bangs.  Mr. Potter says nay.  I say yay.  The vote on Facebook...yay.  What say  you?

I'm super excited to have an article on the Creative Income Blog today!  Shameless: Ten Fabulous Free Ways to Market Brand You!  Check it out!



  1. I love the bangs!!! Your hair is really cool. I have short, curly hair with sort-of-bangs, just enough to cover my forehead lines. The only one that they don't cover is the rather prominent one between my eyes. Well, at least I think it's prominent. Hopefully not too many folks notice it. I'll be 68 next month. It's still good!

  2. I think the bangs look gorgeous!

  3. Thanks for the bang love!

    Mary Ann, you look amazing, whatever you're doing...keep doing it!



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