
Kindle Version: The Fine Art of Shameless Self Promotion by Margot Potter

For those who have been waiting with bated breath for the Kindle edition of The Fine Art of Shameless Self Promotion, it's your lucky day!  It's here!  For a mere $9.99 you can get your Kindle optimized version today.  Huzzah!

We also have a PDF version you can buy directly from us at the website also for $9.99, for those who don't have a Kindle.  If you want to convert the PDF file into an e-reader friendly version, here's a handy tutorial from How-To Geek.  If you prefer a printed version, you can buy the PDF and take it to your local copy center and have it printed and bound.

For the record, I like real books, a lot.  In fact, I prefer them.  But this was a DIY and we had to start somewhere.  I got so tired of working so hard on a book and getting so little return on my investment.  Authors get a pittance for their creativity.  This was the best way for me to control my content and make real money on it.  My first book has sold very well, but at a mere thirty cents a copy you can imagine it's not exactly been a huge money maker. The subsequent books garnered slightly larger royalties, but the publisher has "remaindered" all of them, which means they're selling the remaining copies off without giving me any money at all.  Yup.

It's tough out there.

None of my books really reflected my vision.  It's part of the deal.  You have to hand a lot of control over when you work with a publisher.  They're a business and you're just a part of the equation.  The bottom line is driven by sales people and number crunchers and in-house designers with their own agendas.  It is what it is, no complaints!  I've just moved in a new direction.

I had to smile big when we saw the opening credits for Oz the Great and Powerful last week, Mr. Potter did something very similar on our promo video for our book.  Have you seen it?  You can watch it below.  If you're on the fence about the book, take a peek at the reviews on our Shameless page here on the blog.  This is a kick in the pants, straight forward, no nonsense guide to doing what you love, loving what you do and making a living doing it, written by a gal who does it every day.



  1. Hurrah! Glad I procrastinated. ;-) Looking FW to reading it! :-) H.

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