
DIY Rustic Elegance Centerpiece

I am thrilled beyond belief to be guest posting over at Decor Hacks today for David Tutera's FAB new DIY Bridal Collection.  Make a DIY Rustic Elegance Centerpiece using inexpensive items you can score at Target, Michaels and Home Depot or Lowe's for SONG with this quick and absurdly simple DIY.

You may recall this post whereupon I shared a sneak peek of my bevy of beautifal David Tutera bridal supplies.  It wasn't easy editing my ideas, but it all came together after I found this adorable mini milk jug at Michaels!

Here in Knoxville we have a radio commercial for a cabin rental company that took us months to decipher.  It sounded like they were saying "Rustic and against at the top of a mountain." This, of course, made no sense at all.

The song is annoyingly catchy, so we sang it for months in a twangy southern accent until I finally figured out they were singing, "Rustic ELEGANCE at the top of a mountain."

I wasn't sure what Rustic Elegance was, but it sure sounded swell.

We live in a rustic kind of cabinish home and I have been slowly decorating as the budget this campaign was a perfect excuse to whip up a centerpiece for our oak dining table.

As I was wrapping the Bling on a Roll and manilla rope around the glass vases...the jingle hit me.

"Rustic elegance at the top of a mountain."


I was all up in those biscuits!

And the history.

You can make your very own DIY Rustic Elegance Centerpiece with the tutorial on Decor Hacks and the divine David Tutera DIY Bridal collection.  Have I mentioned that I seriously love David Tutera and his show?  Because I do! 


(I wrote this post as part of a paid campaign with Darice and Blueprint Social. The opinions in this post are 100% my own.)

Check out the amazing designs by the other participants in the David Tutera Bridal Campaign!

For more fun ideas from Darice Crafts and David Tutera Bridal, check out their social media sites:
Become a fan of Darice on Facebook
Follow @DavidTutera on Twitter
@Darice_Crafts on Twitter
David Tutera DIY Wedding on Pinterest


  1. When you said, "Shazam!", you said it all. These are rustically elegant and elegantly rustic and would be cute even without the bling.

  2. That is totally Rustic Elegance and not just for a wedding either! I hope you don't mind that I snorted out my coffee when I read that bit about the Southern accent in the jingle! We are forever singing oddball things around here and that made me giggle. Note to self...don't drink coffee when reading Madge's posts! I love what you did and it is cool to see all the others as well. Enjoy the day. Erin

  3. Aw now, thanks gals! Ya went and made me blush.

    I am totally keeping this on my dining room the container has a chalkboard on the front, so we can write on it!



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