Upcycled Can DIY and Free Vintage Graphic

Miss Avalon has a super cute upcycled can DIY for iLoveToCreate today.  Turn your old tin cans into pretty can-tainers in just a few quick steps!  You can get the full tutorial with pictures on the iLTC blog!

So sorry for being MIA this week.  Mr. Potter is overseas traveling for business and I fell down the stairs during a power outage and managed to sprain my ankle and possibly fracture my fifth metatarsal bone. You know, for fun.  Squee.  Getting up and down the stairs is proving challenging, so my DIY output has been diminished considerably.  I did get this project shot yesterday and posted today.  While I was down in the craft dungeon studio, I scanned and cleaned up this final free Miss Madge's Share the Love Initiative free vintage graphic for your elephantine entertainment and edification. 

I am telling you, mark my words, elephants are the next big thing.

In fact, I currently feel as if one fell on my right foot.

I'm not really feeling the love.

Wah, wah.

And on that note, I must away to R.I.C.E.  Working on my website change, which at this point consists of me staring at endless indecipherable WordPress tutorials with my mouth agape.

I hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day!



creativegoddess said...

I agree with you about elephants. I just posted something about elephants on my own blog last Saturday.
Great minds!
Love your elephant image. THANK YOU Ms Sparklepants.
I sure hope that ankle heals quickly.
Bright Blessings to all of the Potters!!


Margot Potter said...

Yup, elephants!

Thanks, darling Vicki!


Molly Smith said...

Avalon's can-tainers design is awesome. Happy and practical, YES!

Thank you for the darling vintage elephant graphic. I used it as a belated birthday, for someone who adores elephants. ".. a little note" cover and "..a little late" inside. CUTE as ever. Feel better, heal quickly, Margot.

Molly xo

Mary Ann Potter said...

Well, bless your little heart and your little foot! Thanks for the absolutely-cutest-elephant-I've-ever-seen download. Really. Now go rest.

Celeste Kemmerer said...

I'm sorry your foot hurts. That's never any fun! I loved your little elephant! Have as nice a Valentine's Day as you possible can.

Margot Potter said...

So glad the elephant is a big hit!

Ba dum cha.

I'll be here all week, people.
