
Tophatter Haul Video

I was asked by the fine folks at the online auction site Tophatter to visit the site, bid on some items and share my haul in a video.  Uh, you want me to shop?  You had me at haul!  If you've not checked this site out, it's a lot of fun. Not only can you bid on all sorts of fabulous items in a live virtual auction, but you can sell your items there too! 

It's fun filled, fast paced and frenetic.  You can find everything from craft supplies to handmade goods to jewelry to watches to electronics...even food! 

Go check out Tophatter and tell them Madge sent you! 

(Disclosure: This blogger was compensated for this video.  A gal has to butter her bread!)


  1. Wow. Let me spell that backwards: woW! I am headed straight for that site! Hey - I am a Potter, too. Cool.

  2. Hi Mary Ann

    So great to meet you! My SIL is Mary Jane Potter, and she also has a farm and we used to have chickens! Great to meet another Potter!


  3. Tophatter isnt all that great. While you may have bought from some of their "favorite" sellers, there are way more scammers and dishonest people on there than seen. They also treat their sellers like garbage. Stay away!


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