
Last Minute Gifty Cheap and Easy Crafts: DIY Perler Beads Candy Hearts Necklace

Anyone who knows me knows that I loves me some quirky jewelries. This DIY Perler Beads Necklace , inspired again by the divine Mr. Mark Montano's fantabulous Big Ass Book of Bling, is all kinds of quirky.

Okay, maybe about five kinds.

Hell, possibly even six.

I can not stop melting Perler beads.  It's addicting!  Maybe it's the lovely fumes they send into the air when you run an iron over them.  Maybe it's the childlike fun of arranging candy colored plastic beads on pegs and melting them into shapes.  Even Mr. Potter couldn't resist them!  It's surely not as if I've reinvented the wheel here, but I likes it!  I really likes it!  Yes, indeedy do!

There is no telling how many Perler creations I will make before I have thoroughly exhausted this new infatuation.  I'm fairly sure that you, dear patient reader, will be exhausted of me talking about them before I grow weary of playing with them.  And yes, style police, I realize this skirts dangerously close to the edges of Tacky Town, but let's face it, I'm a frequent visitor.

If you're looking for a fun, cheap, easy, last minute gifty for a hipster on your list, I've got you covered. Make them a DIY Perler beads necklace, an ornament or a key chain with this simple pattern and you are Donesville, man.

No need to thank me, it's what I do.  I'm cheap and easy like that.  Wah, wah.

Lurve, love, luff,


  1. omg, love them! where can you buy them? WANT!! love the necklace you made!!

  2. They sell them at the craft stores, in the Kid's crafts section. They come in all kinds of colors and there are a ton of little jigs you can get to make all sorts of shapes. It's absurdly addicting!



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