iLovetoCreate Teen Crafts: Toiletry Organizer Cabinet!

iLoveToCreate Teen Crafts
Toiletry Organizer Cabinet
Avalon (and Andrew) Potter

Avalon and her dad had to make this week's project for iLovetoCreate because Mom was at the Southern Women's Show.  They did a terrific job with this handy dandy bathroom organizer which makes a stylish storage solution!  This is easy to hang on the wall above the toilet or by the sink.  Av's plan is to put hair bands, cotton balls and bobby pins in the jars and keep some of her toiletries in the shelf unit.  They sell these little cabinets in the wood section of the craft stores and the jars can be found in neighboring aisles.  This is a great way to clear sink space and keep organized.  Teen girls require a fair amount of beauty supplies, as do their moms who could also benefit from a shelf like this!  Using Tulip stencils allowed them to add initials and the pouncers make quick and pretty work of the polka dots.

How-To DIY a Dali/Schiaparelli/Man Ray/Lanvin Inspired Red Lips Necklace

When I started seeing Man Ray, Salvador Dali and Elsa Schiaparelli inspired accessories popping up in the fashion mags recently, I was tickled ten shades of SHOCKING pink!   The Impossible Conversations exhibit at the Met featuring the work of Schiaparelli and Miuccia Prada obviously hit a surreal note for the fashion crowd. Schiap and Dali created some amazing, iconic pieces together. 

How To Make Sugar Skull Shrink Plastic Earrings for BeadsDirectUK

Sugar Skull Shrink Plastic Earrings
Margot Potter for BeadsDirectUK

Ah, shrink plastic.  I can clearly recall myself as a younger and impatient Madge marveling through the oven door window as my colorful creations folded, flipped, flopped and flattened into delightful miniature works of art.  Some things never change.  I've been making shrink plastic jewelry for a number of years.  It does require just a little bit of patience, but the end result is absolutely worth the effort!  I've always had a deep adoration for The Day of the Dead celebration and the many colorful, lively, beautiful crafts that surround this holiday.  What an amazing way to celebrate life and those who have passed away.  I've taken a permission free skull and added some sugar skull embellishments, you can take the skull and add more details or take some away, remember to add a little loop at the top for your jump ring.  Use permanent markers, take your time and make sure you bake colored side up

iLoveToCreate: Ribbon Wrapped Nevermore Halloween Pumpkin

"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door."

Make it, with Madge: How To Use the New Tulip Screen-It Machine! DIY Chevron Print T-Shirt

Make it, with Madge
iLoveToCreate Retrofabulous Crafts
How-to Use the new Tulip Screen-It Machine DIY Chevron Print T-Shirt  
Margot Potter 

Team Potter made a new video tutorial this weekend using our new Tulip Screen-it Machine! Here it is! All you'll need is a cotton t-shirt, a chevron print image and the kit. It took a few tries to get it right, if you have any issues with your print or holes in the sides of your screen, a little blue painters tape fixes things right up. Hope you enjoy!

Note:  To make our shirt, we screened the image four times, just line it up and print! We used a size large t-shirt, you may need to do just a little math to get the image to fit around the center of the shirt. 
Cheers, Margot

 (This is an iLovetoCreate exclusive blog by Margot Potter.  Blogger was compensated and provided with machine)