
Book Review and Giveaway: Mod Podge Rocks!



Mod Podge Rocks by Amy Anderson
Lark Crafts
June 2012

Are you ready to get your Podge on? Well, have I got a book for you! The designing diva behind the absurdly popular Mod Podge Rocks blog, Ms. Amy Anderson, has gathered some of her craftiest friends together to share a plethora of pleasing podgeable projects that are to die for fabulous! Craft industry luminaries Heather Mann of Dollar Store Crafts fame, Cathie Filian of HGTV's Creative Juice, Jewelry Designer and Author Candie Cooper and a litany of other talented ladies have created simply stunning, easy to recreate projects to endlessly inspire your creativity. Decoupage never really goes out of style, but it's back with a vengeance and you'll get all sorts of tips and tricks for success from true experts.

The book is bright and whimsical. The projects are festive and fun. There is everything from furniture to jewelry to holiday decor jam packed on every page between the retrofabulous cover. Whether you've never dipped your toes into the decoupage pool or you dove right in ages ago, there is something for everyone here. A feast for the eyes and the imagination, Mod Podge Rocks is a must have for any craftinista.

I give it the Madge Crafty Seal of Approval! Huzzah!

HOW WOULD YOU like to win one of two free copies along with the fabulous prize packages above?! The fine folks from PLAID have provided an array of Mod Podge products for your perusal! Leave a comment here telling me why you can't live another day without this book and the awesome swag and I'll announce the winners here next Tuesday! DON'T FORGET to include your EMAIL so I can contact you if you win!

 Love Madge


  1. I love anything made by mod podge. They have such fabulous products!!!

  2. I CAN NOT live another day without this awesome book and fab swag! I NEED IT!

    Pam P.

  3. I have a new house in desperate need of some mod podge awesomeness. So many plain surfaces that need podged up!

    Erin Corley

  4. what a terrific new book for a great classic product

  5. Wow--a whole lotta Mod Podge awesome! :-) H.

  6. I cannot live another day without Mod Podge because I love altering flea market finds to enhance my home and yard! My grandkids love it too!

  7. I just gotta' keep moving, making stuff...need more. Yep.

  8. I am a mod podgeaholic and in desperate need for new ideas....I love the Podge! I can't live another day without this book!

  9. LOVE Modge Podge. Need to restock. This is a great giveaway. Pick me please!! Want it,Need it, Gotta have it!! LUV

  10. Need to restock and to get a book with it?!!! That is the Jackpot. So many uses for Modge Podge, plus i have my 10 yo niece coming for 15 days. Need to teach her crafting!! Plus, Love it, Need it, Gotta have it. Come to momma modge podge!!!! Good Luck to All. We are all winners!!

  11. oh my gosh, my heart actually skipped a beat when I got to your page! I love mod podge. My co-girl scout leaders tease me all the time about being the decopauge queen...I tried a ridiculously over the top craft with them way back when they were kindergarteners, and I haven't lived it down since. Would share this with them in a heartbeat!
    Thanks for the chance.

  12. I must know decoupage secrets and with the swag bag, I'll never lose my Modge Podge again

  13. I love modpodge...use it all the time with the kids at school and at home too. I have only used the regular kind but would love to try the different kinds with different ideas.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I want... no... need this book. I scour internets for hours looking for mod podge ideas. Between being a class mom, team mom and just a mom who has to constantly do small projects around this house... it would be incredibly helpful and my go to book.
    Thanks :)

  16. I cant live another day without it !! I have some large projects I have lined up that I must use Mod Podge and want to do some Kid projects with my grandbabies too..

  17. Having this collection would be a fantastic addition to my crafting supplies and take me in a new crafting direction. Great give away.

  18. I love Mod Podge - and I'm obsessed with finding new ways to use it! Any holiday around here marks a new project for me to try! Excited for the book!!!

    Shari French

  19. I just heart crafting. The more crafting knowledge the better.

  20. This collection of Mod Podge would be a fantastic addition to my crafting supplies and take me down a new road in crafting. Great give away.

  21. I need to "get my craft" on and this would help me get started.

  22. I can't live without these prizes because I'm a crafting maniac! I only wish I had more time to do it.

  23. I have so many ideas on decor for wedding that this be useful.

  24. everything I do deserves a beautiful coat of mod podge! And my 4 ids and I are always looking at even garbage as art!!

  25. I just ran out of our jar of Mod Podge and have already needed it for a few projects in the past two days. It's something I need on hand at all times!! I'd LOVE a copy of the book, it sounds great!

  26. I never win anything and I need it to make cool projects for school! And I love Amy!

  27. I'm in Mod Podge heaven! Imagine a book created by crafty podgers for podgers! And podge loot too?! It's got to be heaven and it's got to be for me! Thanks for considering.
    pbgroupie (at) hotmail (dot) com

  28. I never win anything and I need it to make cool projects for school! And I love Amy!

  29. That book & the goodies oh my!! Would love to get my hands on it all, would craft lovely things for our new home!! The world needs more just does :)!
    Thanks for the chance to win an awesome prize.

  30. I've been modpodging like crazy lately, and my supply is running low. Plus, I'm a librarian and just read a review of the book yesterday. I put it on my list to purchase for the next fiscal year, but, if I win a copy I'll be able to add it to the collection sooner.

  31. I NEED this Mod Podge giveaway. Every day, just about, I'm looking for new ways to use the mod podge that I've got. It's my favorite craft product!

  32. I haven't use Mod Podge yet and I really want to.


  33. this is just what i need

  34. What a cool giveaway. I've been wanting to try mod podge forever and this would be a great way to start.

  35. I've been wanting to try Mod podge forever and this would be a great introduction to it.

  36. I have been wanted to try Mod podge forever and this would be a great introduction to it.

  37. I need this so I can have a decoupage party with my girlfriends. Mostly because one of my friends was married to a man who wanted to decoupage pics of their cats onto their front door. We joke about this often. morganewilson at gmail

  38. Because the 4 kids are getting out of school! Need I say more? Okay then, hoping to find more Mod Podge ideas for family pics that we just had done!

  39. I can NOT live another day without this awesome gift pack! I just finished the last drop of mod podge I had, and really need more to finish my project. Thanks!


  40. I am dying for this book. My hubby-to-be said he would get it but he keeps forgetting. I am a new user to Mod Podge and I must say I adore it already. I look all around the house just coming up with more and more ideas! My email is:

  41. I love Mod Podge, but I have to drive over an hour one way to get any craft supplies! I can't wait to get the new book!

  42. I can't live without one of these because I'm a craft addict and love all of Amy's ideas :) I really need an awesome orange tote too!

  43. I would LOVE this AMAZING BOOK, I have to little girls and they are in Dance & Gymnastics and I always make Good Luck Gifts for each of their competitions and the book would help me come up with GREAT IDEAS using MOD PODGE

  44. This looks like a wonderful assortment of Mod Podge items, and I can not live without it because I LOVE craft supplies and crafting!! I know, I might have a problem, but there are worse things to be addicted to!! :)

  45. I'm a huge fan of Mod Podge! Would love to have a copy of the book to get even more ideas on ways to use it, particularly the fabric Mod Podge!

    dwfuson *at* gmail *dot* com

  46. I really need this so I can make something new :)

  47. I can't live without this book and all this stuff because I am a multi-purpose crafted, doing many different and often odd projects that have need of mod lodge. And I follow Amy on twitter and want to see her book.

  48. Been in a crafting slump lately, need some great inspiration like this!

  49. I am now learning about Mod Podge and this would be neat to have.I am such a craftaholic and now that it is Summer Vacation,I would like to spend more time with my little daughter doing some crafts with her :)

    email:scrapbookeverything(at) yahoo dot come

  50. I have never seen something like Mod Podge! How could I live without it! I will feel really really craftaboulous with the book!

  51. I LOVE Mod Podge! I have been using it since I was 16 for projects and always have it on hand, it's a must have for any crafter! There are so many projects and ideas I have for this I don't know where to begin. Thanks for the giveaway! =)

  52. Wow! Seriously? I was just looking on the 'Mod Podge Rocks' Facebook page because I heard about their book and wanted to find out more info. Now you're telling me I can win it? Sweet! :)

    I am actually about to host a "decoupage" party with a few girlfriends (sans kids - woohoo!) in a couple of weeks. We are going to Mod Podge tiles and make coasters as our first project. I would like this make this a monthly event with my friends, so this book and other goodies would be such a gift to us! You would be helping a group of weary moms recover from summer vacation with Mod Podge and wine. (Our group name is Crafty Hos, but we're not really hos... just so you know.)

    I happened to just purchase the Mod Podge tool set today at a local store, plus a ton of paper to mess with - so I'm gettin' serious over here. ;)

    Another bonus - You blog is great! Glad I found it.
    Have a Podgy Day!

    Chrissy Hanisco
    chanisco [at]

  53. I love Mod Podge....It is like the force of the craft world....It holds everything togather. The swag is totally awesome..I would be in Mod Podge heaven!!!!

  54. Well I just bought a big container of Mod Podge and it's dying to used!

  55. I love mod podge products and use them for everything. In this age of budget crafting, these products are perfect!!

  56. I am in desperate need for craft ideas and projects for my young ones this summer. Mod Podge is the perfect accessory for fun in the summer :)

  57. Just discovered mod podge this year and love it. I'm always looking for things to mod podge .

  58. Just got into Mod Podge this year and luv it - kids are out of school and we need it for fun, messy, easy, safe stuff to keep us ALL busy!

  59. mmmmmmModgePodgemmmmmmm I use it all the time, would love to win either package!!

  60. Hello!

    I would love to win this product set and book as Im always looking for new inspiration and ways to use Mod Podge. Plus! I cannot live another day without this as I go through Mod Podge so fast with my crafts....!! best product ever!! :)


  61. I used to love decoupaging anything that would stay still long enough and I would love to get back into it. Please enter my name in the drawing.

  62. I love Mod Podge - but I haven't tried all the different varieties yet. A win would help me in my quest! And so many fabulous ideas in the! Pick me, pick me!

    ~Kim M.

  63. The only way I'll live without Mod Podge is when I do myself and I can't move my hands anymore. :)

    What a great giveaway!

  64. This looks so fun! I can't live without it! Think of all the things in my life NOT getting decoupaged right now! Doesn't that break your heart? *sniff*

  65. I have wanted to try Mod Podge and this would be my chance.

  66. I am really excited to use mod podge. My sisters friend did a picture collage on a vase for her in high school and I have always wondered how she did that. Now that I have some free time, I am trying to learn anything and everything about this and can't wait to start a project. I think the book and materials would be so much help and give me the inspiration to be creative. Thanks.
    Jenny (

  67. I've NEVER used Mod Podge!! I just bought a big tub of it yesterday... ( go BIG or go home right?) I'm excited and terrified at the same time. I'm worried I'll mess it up... So I did some research... and I found Mod Podge Rocks and watched some videos (which were REALLY helpful!) and checked out the projects ideas... SO COOL! The book and supplies would be SUPER helpful... I'm a measure 5 times cut once type of girl...... so a book I can read and highlight and bookmark would be really AMAZING!! Thanks for considering me :)

  68. I would LOVE all that Mod Podge to play with! This is my summer for crafting and trying the new stuff! I'm going nuts for resin in a few weeks and I'll need the Mod Podge to seal my papers with! I want all this stuff to help me be amazing!

  69. I love me some Mod Podge and totally want all that amazing stuff! This is my summer for new crafting fun, I have resin to play with- I'll need my Mod Podge to seal the paper!


  70. I would love this book! I have done so many projects with Mod Podge and I follow Amy's blog, but I know there is so much more to do! Thanks for the chance to win!

  71. I need this NOW! ;o) I love MP and can't wait to see what greatness is in that book! ranza6980(at)

  72. Remember the Sherwin-Williams paint logo with the can of paint being poured over the world? This is how I feel about Mod Podge--everything needs some embellishment and a few coats of MP! There is no end to the fun you can have with it.

  73. OH MY GOSH, what great giveaways!! I love mod podge and did not realize all of the stuff you can actually do with it. I would love to receive this book for more great ideas.

  74. I have some Mod Podge and need inspiration on how to use it all

  75. I <3 Mod Podge oh so much! I have many a project lined up that will be using it.


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