
Once Upon a Time...

About 3 or 4 years ago, I made some Video Blogs, or vlogs.  It was just me, a Flip video camera on a tripod in my old studio in Pennsylvania.  This was before we started making The Impatient Crafter videos.

The lighting is horrid, do forgive, but the video is fun and imparts the message I really want people to take away from my work.  Inspiration is everywhere and we all have a creative voice.  It's interesting that I stumbled on this since it uses the Georgia O'Keefe quote I posted last week.  It also includes a little design prompt/challenge, which is totally optional.

I have a few more vlogs somewhere in my archives and I'll try to dig them up.  If I can find the dang Flip video camera maybe I can make some more.  Or perhaps my darling hubby can assist, this could benefit greatly from edits!

Hope this inspires and if you'd like to play, feel free to leave a comment and share!  Or not.  No pressure.  Whatever rings your bell.

Have a craftacular day!



  1. So cute! I love all your videos, especially the older ones when you were the only one doing this. And I had the time to watch them all-- sometimes twice! So entertaining :)

  2. Margot, you have such a great stage/camera presence! I'll have to go back and watch more of your videos -- sounds like the perfect thing to do while I bead. :)


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