Create Your Style with SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS Tucson Show 2012

Hey Howdy Hey, Sparklenistas!

Super excited to share the news that I'll be teaching two classes and hosting an all day design event for the fab folks from Create Your Style with SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS at their Tucson Show! If you're going to Tucson, check out the awesome array of classes they are offering. I'll be teaching two classes: How To Write and Publish a Craft Book and Getting Published (this is focused on magazine work.)

 How to Write and Publish a Jewelry Making Book with Margot Potter

 How to Get Published (in Magazines) with Margot Potter

Creativity and Design Challenge All Day Design Event with Margot Potter

But if you want a real challenge, join me for the all day design challenge event! We will provide you with materials and images for you to design an 'inspiration board', from there you'll create a concept and a finished design. There will be challenges, there will be sparkle, there will be tears, there will be drama and three talented designers will emerge winners! Come and play with us!

Here's a link to the 411 on the show.  

In other news, I'm back on the Beadalon Design Team!  SO EXCITED, I just can't hide it!  My little engine is building up steam...huzzah!

Sparklingly yours,


Unknown said...

What fantabulous news, I was praying for you and hoping you would be back with Beadalon.

I'm already planning a trip to Phoenix next year so I think I'll move up the date of my trip.


Wow! How I wish I live in Tucson but maybe someday you will come here in Sweden specifically Uppsala or Stockholm then I will surely attend =) Good luck and I'm sure you will have a great time.

TesoriTrovati said...

Good for you, Miss Madge! I always enjoy seeing the innovations that you come up with in your designs. And I so wish that I would be able to take your book writing class. I know I have books in me that are just itching to come out with a little coaxing! Enjoy the day!

Anonymous said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [12 Nov 02:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

barbe said...

sounds fabu!I can't wait!