ILoveToCreate Teen Crafts: Swinging Vines Necklace Tank Top

Avalon Potter for ILoveToCreate Teen Crafts
Swinging Vines Necklace Tank Top

"Teen crafted, mom approved."

Lately I have been a little obsessed with Tulip 3D fashion paints, I have made multiple t-shirts playing with the paints and recently developed this technique. I think it is very fun and beautiful once finished. I love working with tulip paints and I know that you will not be disappointed!


Lectric Lime Tulip Slick 3D Fashion Paint
Fl. Pink Slick Tulip 3D Fashion Paint
Deep Turquoise Slick Tulip 3D Fashion Paint

White tank top
Tulip t-shirt form


1. Draw out your design on a piece of paper using pencil, then practice tracing over the design with you paints till you feel comfortable with them.

2. On your shirt start with the first large tendril using Lectric Lime. For the next three tendrils use in this order Deep Turquoise, Fl. Pink, and Lectric Lime.

3.To give it that necklace effect on the seem on the neck use Fl. Pink on the left side and Deep Turquoise on the right.

Mom’s Note
Avalon decorated this canvas bag using the same technique, but layering the colors over each other. I thought this was a really cool effect and the technique itself innovative and interesting. To me, it looks like branch coral. You could decorate a super fun canvas beach tote with this technique.

Avalon Potter for ILoveToCreate Teen Crafts: Tie Dye Tulip Socks

Tie-Dye Tulip socks

ILoveToCreate Teen Crafts
Tie Dye Tulip Socks
Avalon Potter
"Teen crafted, mom approved."

I have a confession to make; I have a knee high sock obsession. They fill my drawers, they are scattered across my room, and they are even on my feet right now! I had been trying out an idea with tie dye and I had so much left over I scoured my room for something else to dye. After I had dyed the socks and another white shirt I put it the wash and anxiously awaited the result. When I saw the original shirt I realized it was not going to work out so I grabbed my socks and thought up a new design!

One Step Tie-Dye Classic
White knee high socks
Aleenes fabric fusion
White shirt (Use an old white shirt since you will be cutting it)



1. Follow the instructions in the kit for the folding technique on your pair of socks.

2. Next for your shirt follow the swirl technique instructions in the kit.

3. Let the shirt and socks sit for 5-6 hours as per instructions. Take the rubber bands off and wash and dry them.

4. Take your shirt and cut off the seam on the bottom (this will be the flower). It should be about 12 inches long and ¾ inch wide. You will need two pieces.

5. Tie a knot at the end of the strip and begin twisting and rolling the strip around the knot, dabbing glue as you roll.

6. Continue rolling, twisting and gluing until you reach the end then attach the end to the back of the flower.

7. Sew the back of the flower to the top of the sock.

8. Enjoy wearing your amazing tie dye socks!