Saturday TastyLinks!


It's Saturday!

I'm working!

I'm wearing a tiara today!

I've had one too many cups of coffee!

I'm using far too many exclamation points!


The tiara is a prototype design for the new book. It has a few nit picky little glitches I need to fix for the finished project. Ergh. That means I must make another tiara, I tried my best to cover up the glitches, but alas, I do have SOME quality standards. Wrapping a tiara with crystals takes a very, very long time. One must be patient. In fact this is a book of projects that all require patience. I'm averaging one a day on a good day. Yes, the impatient one is making a book of projects that require patience...and the willingness to attempt to defy physics...and to try and try again when the laws of physics get in our way. Damn time-space continuum.

Slowing down to create these projects has become a sort of a moving meditation. I'm feeling a Zen like sense of channeling the creative force. I can almost hear chanting monks in the background as I work.

Or is that mooing cows from the dairy farm across the street?

Please understand that a project that takes me all day to complete is as far as I'm willing to take the aforementioned Zen like meditation. For you, a day spent wrapping a tiara might not seem like a very, very long time. In Madge years, it is an eternity. I'm simply not spending a month on one project. I'm not that obsessive compulsive. Or I am...because I need to keep moving forward.

Or I'm just blathering on and on here because I'm avoiding diving back into the tiara.

I occasionally jokingly refer to myself as the BQOTU™ or Bead Queen of the Universe™. Mostly because I can and because I know it really irks some people who feel me undeserving of the title. Tee hee. They could have crowned themselves BQOTU™ prior to my claiming it. Today I am reclaiming my BQOTU™ crown. Because I can. Insert trumpet flourish here.

The BQOTU™ has spoken.

Now go forth and make stuff people. What the heck are you doing reading this drivel?! Before you go though...please peruse the plethora of pleasing projects and posts from the Crafty Bloggers Gang. "We've got glue guns and we're not afraid to use them."™

The Artful Crafter
How to sew felted wool boxes to organize odds and ends.

Stefanie Girard's Sweater Surgery
See how to make a Steampunk button and recycled 80's earring into a cool new necklace

Margot Potter The Impatient Crafter
So you want to write a craft book? Here's part five in Madge's series on how to do it!

Crafty Princess Diaries
After seriously losing sleep over taking photographs for her Etsy shop, Tammy has a eureka jewelry photography moment.

Craftside-A behind-the-scenes peek at a crafty world
Craftside's got a recycled book page mobile from the book-Playing With Books and a chance to win a free copy of it, a new Look, Learn, and Create video on how to make a box stitch ribbon bracelet with Elaine Schmidt, tips on painting Rembrandt style, and some "Graphic Stew" line and shape ingredients!

Cathie Filian
It is fashion time for dad! Check out Cathie's father's day ideas.

Beading Arts
Chapter two of Cyndi's e-book is available for download! "Altered Surfaces" begins the exploration of the exchange between mixed media and bead embroidery!

Aileen's Musings
Aileen shows you how to make vivacious vivid shipping tags to use on your gifts and in your art!

About Family Crafts
Father's Day is just around the corner. What will you do for all the other special dads you know? This year, why not make a special, home-made gift for all of the guys in your life!

Check out this wonderful profile of yours truly written by the lovely Marjorie Miller of The Land of Odds Jewelry Spotter Blog!

Bid on some signed Margot Potter books and original artwork at the KENW auction!

Get the hell outta here already!


Liz Revit said...

Hey, Margot. I love your sense of humor.

Have a great weekend.

Purple Cow said...

It is a very nice tiara and you are a very pretty and deserving BQOTU. Me? I find it hard opening a jam jar let alone glueing beads. Love reading about your experiences though.