A Tasty Package and New Crafty Quickies™ Video!

On Friday I got a very tasty package in the mail, the CRYSTALLIZED™-Swarovski Elements Autumn/Winter 2009/10 trends presentation. I thought to myself, self, should you keep all of this yummy sparkly goodness to yourself or should you share it with your readers?


To see the trends follow this link:

Swarovski® has trend offices in every major fashion center on the planet. I am confident when I state that few if any other brands are as trend savvy. Twice a year they debut new shapes, colors and innovations. I have lots of fabulous little sample boxes I’ve saved up and they are such fun to explore again and again for inspiration, I can’t show the samples yet but I promise to do so when the new trends officially launch. The other part of this mailing I love is the folder of mixed media collages on fold-out posters they create to showcase new trend forecast color combinations. Each one is a little work of art and this time around I’ve posted them on the walls of my studio for inspiration.

I feel very inspired, don’t you?!

And speaking of feeling inspired, here’s our latest Crafty Quickies™ offering: How to Use a Crimp Tube Part I. Enjoy! We have two more slated for uploading later today. I’ll be back on Saturday with this week’s TastyLinks™. I’m taking Thursday off to spend it with my family. That’s why I posted two free projects last week, see I was thinking ahead!

Happy Thanksgiving!



Unknown said...

I had no idea that was how you did that! It is like magic revealed! While it is fun to go kamikaze style and "wing it", your video shows how helpful and important it is to learn proper techniques for extra long wear and quality finish! Great job!

Margot Potter said...


Some things really do need to be done by the book and I think crimping is one of them. That being said, the jewelry designs can break rules!


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this video! I love to learn something new everyday... especially about jewelry! Thanks!

Jax said...

The insets are great! It's nice to see it so up close like that, and you also answered my question about where to cut the wire once you crimp. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

These quickies are a great idea, and I also like the insets to show up close while you are working. I have to admit never using the first hole in the crimping pliers first, but I'll give it a try. It's always helpful to learn new tricks!