Free Digital Download for Halloween: Good Witch

"Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?"  Glinda from The Wizard of Oz

The original version of this image (which I love BTW) is a little more scantily clad.  Since I was planning on using this for a recent local craft store demo, I gave her a black dress and added some text.  Alas, my attempt to burn this into a screen was a fail, but I love the way this turned out and hope to get a shirt or tote made before Halloween.  It's from a Dover Books permission free image, and because I'm feeling rather generous, I've decided to share this updated version with all of you!

If you download this and make something PLEASE let me share a picture here!  I'd love to see what you do with it! 

Talk to me people, I know you're lurking out there but you're so QUIET.

Insert sounds of crickets

Trying to wrap my mind around snow in the Smokies tonight, we may or may  not actually get a few inches by morning. Not a big deal, really.  On the other hand, a good portion of our friends and family live in the Northeast, so we are thinking good thoughts and saying prayers for their safety from what they're calling The Perfect Storm.  Really?  Perfect?  How about the Imperfect Storm?  Or the HOLY CRAP Storm?  Or the WHAT THE HELL IS THAT Storm?  Or the DAMN, THAT SANDY IS A BITCH BAD WITCH Storm?

My apologies to anyone named Sandy.

 ; )  ; )

That's emoticon for wink, wink, in case you were wondrin'.

There isn't much that's perfect about a hurricane and a blizzard colliding and heading for the Jersey Shore.  There is a joke in there somewhere, but I am not going there, people.

Let's all think the happiest thoughts that we can and if you do have a magic wand, this might be a good time to wave it and send some good magic to the Northeast.

I am a good witch, for the record.  Emoticon wink, wink.


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